Stolen Deck of Pain

Event Date

May 15, 2018


I stole a workout idea from Chim Chim and a deck of cards from my 2.2 – Bullseye.  From there, things just kind of came together.

Last night’s twitter banter had a group of us discussing the amount of anticipated running at Gladiator and Fallout.  Neither Titan or I seemed like we were planning a whole lot of running (which you know is unusual for me – because my Q’s are usually Sprints and Pull-ups sandwiched in between long runs).  Having shown my hand (CWIDT?) – I stuck to minimal running – and I’m guessing we may have gotten to ¼ mile by the time we started MARY.

Here’s how things went……


A little mosey through the parking lot and circle up down near the playground.  Warm up exercises were selected to prepare us for what we were about to do.  You can guess what those exercises were.  No really, you can guess.

The Thang

I still wasn’t sure exactly what the entire plan was for the workout.  I knew I would use the deck of cards – but wasn’t sure if that would be it.  So I took a meandering mosey around the first soccer field with the PAX in tow.  We circled up near one of the goals – and we began.

Exercises determined by the cards (Which I might add were cut.  Talk of me stacking the deck was misguided at best, hurtful at worst.)

Hearts = Burpees (because we love them)  Spades = Jump Squats (because of alliteration, if you ignore the “Jump”)  Clubs = IC Low Flutters and Hearts = Mericans (just because)

We did 5 rounds of 7 cards followed by 20 IC SSH after each round.  After round 5 we did 25 IC SSH – just to poke the mumblechattering bears – it elicited the response that I wanted.

Round 1

KS, QD, 6H, 6S, QC, QH, QS

Round 2

JD, JC, JH, JS, 3S, 8S, 2D

Round 3

7D, 2C, 2H, 7C, 7H, 2S, 7S [Full House 7’s over 2’s.  With no face cards to complain about – the PAX were left to bitch that 2 of anything was hardly worth the effort.]

Round 4

AD, 6D, 6C, AC, AH, AS, KC [That’s a lot of Aces – seriously, no stacking occurred.]

Final Round 5

KH, KD, 10D, 5D, 10C, 10H, 5C

Grand Total = 76 Jump Squats, 80 Low Flutters IC, 80 Mericans and 75 Burpees

Mosey back to the parking lot


Because there were 7 of us – my plan was to go around the horn for MARY.  Blackbeard had other ideas and took several PAX worth of time.

Blackbeard – 25 IC Jane Fondas – each leg

Mona Lisa – WW 2 Sit-ups

Lawn Dart – some sort of modified sit-up, the name of which escapes me (I’m not sure it was really a thing)

Canary – LBCs

Recover Recover


–          Good group this a.m.  All of the aforementioned mumblechatter basically came from two pie-holes: Blackbeard and Lawn Dart.  Everyone else pretty much put their head down and got the work done.

–          Having said that – the chatter was on point – and made for a lot of laughs.

–          My mid-week routine doesn’t usually take me over to Fall Out, so it was good to be there on a Tuesday.  Always good to work out with different crowds.  This AO certainly has a lot to offer.  Of course today we could have done the workout in a slightly larger than standard elevator.

–          Thanks Lawn Dart for being the MQ – and thanks for the opportunity to lead. 

