Stolen from THREE workouts actually

Cobains for the late backblast.  Saturday's workout at The Estate was really stolen from 3 different workouts as follows:

This classic Ramrod Thunderdome (new timers, ask an old timer about this AO) workout from 2016:

This Snake Eyes Ludicrous Speed workout from last month:

And this Happy Gilmore The Estate workout from April:

Ok, with all proper references out of the way, here is roughly what we did on Saturday:


  • Carry all the kettlebells and rocks to the grassy area in front of Carrington Ridge.  This was free F3 advertising!

The Thing:

We would do OYO reps of 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 of:

  • Jump Squats
  • WWII situps

That is, 50 jump squats, 50 WWIIs, 40 jump squats, 40 WWIIs, etc.

Run the "West Side Bonesaw".  Quoting Snake Eyes:

This is how it goes, Run all the way down the sidewalk into the new neighborhood and run up to the top of the hill.

Return to your KBs for reps of 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 of:

  • Full curls
  • Mason Twists

Run the "West Side Bonesaw".

Return to your KBs for reps of 50, 40, 30, 20, and 10 of:

  • Kettle bell swings
  • LBCs

Admittedly we ran out of time during that ^ set.

Whenever the Q or his wingman * spotted a plane overhead, perform 5 Burpees OYO.  That idea was stolen from Happy Gilmore.

Return KBs to start ex.  Recover, recover.  According to Strava, we covered 2.81 miles.


  1. Please direct all complaints to Ramrod, Snake Eyes, and Happy Gilmore!
  2. Ultraman was my wingman and would later admit a few planes were spotted but not reported.  YHC did find it odd that we only did ~15 Burpees whereas during Happy Gilmore's workout we did close to 100.  That's not good wing-man-ing Sir!
  3. Frogger's theory is that it had more to do with the way the winds were blowing that day.  This sounded very convincing but it could have all been part of the same ruse and a way to distract YHC from seeing planes.
  4. Tone Deaf, Elmers, and Baller were crushing this workout and were often the first to finish the sets of reps.
  5. Veterans like Freedom and The Force saw through this act as a shameless way to avoid counting cadence.  Indeed, not a single cadence called all workout!
  6. Something and Pit Stop work in tandem to try to throw the Q off.  It is a sight (or sound) to behold.
  7. I think Snake Eyes was the only honest Pax to point out a plane.  Thank you Sir, and thanks for the run route idea we used between sets.
  8. Rodeo led Excelsior but didn't give Crab Legs or Frogger credit for their late "Flat Rat".  Thus, I'm giving Crab Legs credit here.  Who's to stop me?  Great run the next day (Sunday) with Crab Legs, Frogger, Ultraman, and Jorel.  Thanks for inviting me gents. 
  9. Burning Bush waited for the 6 (YHC) on more than one occasion.  And, Pit Stop waited for us on one occasion.  This set off a trend of Pax going back for the 6, because no man left behind.  Aye.
  10. Rooter, thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Enjoyed it gents,

