Stolen Samson

Event Date

Aug 22, 2019


8 pax (including YHC) posted to Samson this morning and received a beatdown that was almost entirely stolen from past Samson Qs.  I disclosed this in advance so that the pax would be able to redirect any negative feelings toward these past Qs, i.e. it wasn't YHC's fault!

0503: 3 pax (YHC, Tugboat, and Stray) left a few minutes late, but met the #Standard for 2.5(ish) miles.  <wink>

0530: Pax tried to delay start of beatdown, but YHC was on top of it, and off we went…..


Stolen from Turnpike 4/14/2016

Mosey from cars to usual warmup spot at end of parking lot, with high knees, buttkickers, long striders, and quadraphelia.  Circle up.  Disclaimer.

  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC + 2 Jump Squats OYO) x 3
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC (<—— pax figured out at this point whose warmup I'd stolen)
  • Arm Circles OYO as we moseyed to block pile

Grab blocks and return to parking lot.


Stolen from Uncle Rico 12/8/2016

Blockees x 10 OYO with 3 x Skull Crushers per Blockee Rep

Mosey toward entrance of Lake Forest.  Stop halfway.

Stolen from Limburger 8/11/2016

Circle up for "Circle Jerk" – pax on their six with feet pointing inward.  All pax commence low flutter AMRAP while one-at-a-time one pax gets up and runs around circle until he returns to his spot, then next pax gets up and runs around circle, etc., a la "duck duck goose," until all pax have run around circle twice.

Resume mosey to entrance of Lake Forest.

Stolen from Ditka 4/7/2016

Descending curb crawl.  Start at one curb, Boo Boo Bear Crawl (i.e. one-legged bear crawl) to other curb, 10 incline mericans, Regular Bear Crawl back, 9 incline mericans, Boo Boo Bear Crawl to other curb, 8 incline mericans, etc….. continue until 1 incline merican.  Modify bear crawl to lunge walk as needed.

Mosey back to blocks.  Stop halfway.

Stolen from Limburger 8/11/2016

Circle up for another "Circle Jerk," this time with WWII situps.

Continue mosey back to blocks.

Stolen from Olive 5/3/2018

"Circuit of Pain" – 6 block stations, as follows:

  • Curls
  • Upright Row (or Bent Over Row)
  • Chest Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Teabag Squats
  • Cindy Swings

Plus one pax in the front serving as time keeper.  All block exercises AMRAP while time keeper Zamperinis block to 2nd tree and back.  When he returns, he heads to back of line and all pax move up one station, until all pax have hit all stations + time keeper.

Repeato, but time keeper farmer carries 2 blocks to 2nd tree and back.

Replace blocks and return to cars area.


Stolen from Jedi 12/6/2018

  • Low Flutter x 25 IC
  • 1 min plank
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • 1 min plank
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC
  • 1 min plank
  • LBC x 15 IC
  • 1 min plank

YHC forgot to include Jedi's signature "1 crisp clean burpee" – DANGIT!

Stolen from Ditka 2/26/2016

While planking during Mary, YHC went around the circle, asking about the origins of pax F3 names.  Ditka did this at Foundry, and I believe a Samson Q did this at one point as well, but I can't find the bb.  Always fun to do when you have a few minutes while planking.  Loved Tugboat's story – some pax towed him in on the lake when he'd broken down, and EH'd him in the process.  If you were that pax, please sound off below – you played an important role in Tugboat's being out there with us!!

Recover, recover.


  • Hope the pax enjoyed this one, even if it was mostly recycled.  There have been a lot of excellent past Qs and workouts at Samson, though, and some of them deserved another go.  In fact, I recall asking Turnpike once about the best / toughest workouts he's done, and several on his list were at Samson!
  • After YHC pb'd the workout, MQ Hasselhoff challenged the pax to best what he believed to be the best Samson turnout, 10.  (Was that best ever, Hoff, or best during your time as MQ?)  We didn't get > 10, but 8 is a great number.  I'm always chuffed to lead a group of 8….10….even 15.  Perfect size group.
  • That said, Samson's a great workout that needs more pax support.  If you're reading this, please consider signing up to Q.  Always has a faithful group of pax there, but would of course welcome a few more pax and some new Qs.  Original MQ Jedi and the Qs he recruited did a lot of blockwork here, and Limburger and Hasselhoff have continued that tradition.  Always been a solid beatdown.  Let's give it and Hasselhoff our support.
  • The pax were able to guess, in some cases with few or no hints, which past Qs were responsible for which portions of the workout.  Pax had no trouble pegging Ditka as responsible for the descending curb crawls.  Man with a name like Ditka obviously loves a bear crawl…..
  • Stray tried to duck YHC and Tugboat on the Standard, but we found him anyway!  Great 2nd F with Tugboat this morning.
  • Eeyore and Magnus trekked over from Birkdale to make YHC's Q – appreciated it, guys!  They tried to EH Tiramisu as well, but to no avail.  Missed you, Misu!
  • Bootlegger got his name in part due to his NASCAR family connections.  YHC works for NASCAR.  Mental note to chat up Bootlegger next time I see him!
  • While searching backblasts for material, YHC noticed that Mona Lisa Q'd at Samson for 4 straight weeks during the 2019 Month of Mona.  That's insane!  Nice work, Mona.
  • Thanks to Hasselhoff for the opportunity to lead this morning.  Really enjoyed this one.  Thanks to the pax who came out, and thanks as always to Auto and Eeyore for the EH back in June 2016 – can't thank you guys enough.
