Stone Cold Crazy

Event Date

Jan 19, 2016

PAX: P. Diddy, Gabby, Scrum, OBC, Spanarkel

Queen’s “Stone Cold Crazy” from their brilliant 1974 release Sheer Heart Attack provided the inspiration for this morning’s frigid beatdown.  It would be COLD.  There would be paver STONEs.  And, you’d have to be CRAZY to post. 


SSH 20X IC, Imperial Walker 15X IC, Mountain Climber 15X, Merkin 10X IC, Stretch, Alternating Step Ups 15X IC, Box Jumps 15X 

Mosey to IB School

Pull Ups 10X OYO, mosey to asphalt, Squats 20X OYO, mosey to benches, Dips 20X OYO

REPEATO 2 More times

10 Jump Squats OYO, run up hill backwards, 1 Monkey Humper, run down hill

9 Jump Squats OYO, run up hill backwards, 2 Monkey Humpers, run down hill

And so on…


Back to the benches for Decline merkins 10X IC, Bulgarian Squats 10X IC each leg, Incline merkins 10X IC, Alt. Step Ups 10X IC.  REPEATO

Mosey to DUMC to pick up Paver STONES

Curls 15X IC, OH Press 15X IC, Skull Crusher 15X IC

Curls 10X IC, OH Press 10X IC, Skull Crusher 10X IC

Curls 8X IC, OH Press 8X IC, Skull Crusher 8X IC

Curls 5X IC, OH Press 5X IC, Skull Crusher 5X IC

Mosey back to Green for Mary

Low Flutter 20X IC, Freddie Mercury 20X IC, The W 20X IC, and J-Lo 20X IC


The challenge this morning was to keep guys warm by keeping the PAX moving.  To keep hands warm, we stayed off the ground for the most part and didn’t pick up the frozen pavers until late in the workout. The exercises were intentionally simple so as to avoid long-winded explanations.  Did my best to keep the pace of the workout fast by quickly moving from one exercise to the next.

“Stone Cold Crazy” is widely known by Queen fans, but less so by the casual classic rock fan.  It’s an ass-kicker, and a bit of a departure from their ornate and soaring glam-rock.  Metal fans will remember Metallica’s blistering cover of this classic.  Here’s the original in all its glory,  A shout out to Baby Back who reminded me of this gem when he lent me his copy of Sheer Heart Attack (vinyl, of course).   

How cold was it?  It was so cold that:

  1. Only 5 PAX posted
  2. The paver stones froze together
  3. Mumblechatter froze mid-air
  4. All of the above

I am grateful to the 5 guys who posted this morning.  Not only did they pull themselves out of bed 15 minutes earlier than usual, they did it knowing they’d be unCOMFORTABLY NUMB. (how’s that for a Pink Floyd reference).

COT:  Mercifully quick.  A few DEVOtional thoughts and then off to coffeeteria for hot brown liquid.