Today we slowed our roll as we trekked through the Gladiator AO. With our New Year's action plan on day 5 (officially day 2 b/c who starts a resolution on a Saturday?), YHC is on a mission to make the PAX of #TheArena not only more fit, but also stronger.
- SSH x 50
- IST x 20
- Cotton Picker x 15
- Toy Soldier x 15
- Mountain Climber x 50
Slow Thang begins now…
- Mosey to set of rails for bottom shelf derkins x 10
- No recover and move to top shelf derkins x 10
- Allen Iverson wiht a pause at the bottom of each x 6
- Repeato
- Mosey to second set of rails for slow dip x 10
- Mosey to fountain for slow dips on the bench x 10
- Star Jumps (perhaps new name "Super Star"???) x 20 OYO
- Mosey to rock bed, partner up both with a rock
- Partner 1 runs up the hill with rock, at top does 10 (single count) tricep pullovers while partner 2 does squat clean and press with rock until partner 1 returns
- Switch rocks, repeato
- Mosey back to fountain for one leg get ups x 10 (single count each leg)
- Mosey back to first set of rails for top shelf derkin x 10
- No recover, move to bottom shelf derkins x 10
- No recover, move to hand-release merican x 10
- Mosey back to parking lot for Mary
- Awesome job by the PAX this morning. 8 regulars continue to #show2GROW and inspire one another by posting after a holiday and in sub 30 degree weather. I know I can count on the seven other men this morning week in and week out.
- My man Han Solo crushed it today, dude is only a few months from FNG status and hung with some of the OG's for the entire beatdown…well done!