Storm of abs

Event Date

Apr 16, 2018


5 Gentlemen journeyed 3.1 miles along and did other stuff


Run to end front of Latta Springs

SSH X 20

IST X 20

 Merkin X 10

Carrot Tugger X 15

Run to top of small hill

WW2 X 15

Pretzel X 10 each side

Run to Pamela road

Peter Parker X 12

Parker Peter X 12

Low Flutter X 12

Run to Tanners Creek

LBC X 20

Touch dem heels X 20

Run long loop to playground (say hi to dude with dog)

Swing Crunch X 15

LBC X 15

Dip X 15


Run back around circle, past pond and up hill

LBC X 20

some other stuff i can't remember

Run to home base

Superman/banana w/singing

Elbow Plank it out – to 10 each 

Good running w/the crew this morning, enjoyed learning about Fenway's Ville 2 Ville experience.  Sounds like a fun race. Fenway paid me back at the playground, can't say I didn't deserve it, but whew.  Good to have Jingle back at it, he felt a bit lonely, missing Dirt…..wondering if he's out there.  Also almost-noteworthy Jaws looking to be cutting weight in his heavy winter gear.

Thanks all for joining this AM, I enjoy this workout occasionally, even if the repeato swing crunches are anti-climactic.  Have a great week!