Stormy Viking

Event Date

Dec 17, 2019


YHC pulled into the CCC parking lot thinking that the rain wasn't going to come in until later. Shortly thereafter, it began to downpour. Serious consideration was given to just going home if no one showed up. Turncoat arrived around 5:20ish and sent a message about meeting under the overhang to which YHC obliged. MoopDog showed up a couple minutes before launch to make it threes company. With the rain letting off a little bit, we took a very short mosey to the picnic tables by the playground. This is our story:



  • SSH x 50 IC
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Windmill x 15 IC
  • Morrocan Nightclub x 30 IC


The Main Thang

  • Step-ups x 20 OYO
  • Dips x 15 IC
  • Squats x 20 IC
  • Abyss Merkins x 15 IC (each hand on parallel benches and perform merkin, attempting to get chest just below hands)
  • Alternating Lunges x 30 OYO
  • Parker Peter x 20 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC

SSH x 25 IC

  • Step-ups x 30 OYO
  • Dips x 20 IC
  • Squats x 25 IC
  • Abyss Merkins x 20 IC (each hand on parallel benches and perform merkin, attempting to get chest just below hands)
  • Alternating Lunges x 40 OYO
  • Parker Peter x 25 IC
  • Merkins x 10 IC

SSH x 25 IC

Mosey to overhang in front of CCC

  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • People's Chair
    • Air press x 10 IC
    • Seal Clap x 10 IC
  • BTW x 10 count
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • People's Chair
    • Touch dem Heels x 10 IC
    • Overhead clap x 10 IC
  • BTW x 10 count
  • Burpees x 5 OYO


  • Low flutter x 25 IC
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • WWII sit-ups x 15 OYO
  • Oblique Crunch x 10 IC (Left Side)
  • Oblique Crunch x 10 IC (Right Side)
  • WWII sit-ups x 15 OYO
  • One-Leg LBC x 10 IC (Left Leg)
  • One-Leg LBC x 10 IC (Right Leg)
  • Airborne Mindbender
  • Peter Parker x 15 IC
  • Hold Plank

Recover. Recover.



  • We did our best to keep dry while also working up a sweat. It wasn't the most creative workout, but YHC kept everyone moving.
  • Where was our trusty Viking MQ this morning? Probably saw the rain outside and went right back into the FS. Guess that means he owes me a Q at The Sword.
  • Glad that a couple pax came out to hold YHC accountable or it would have been the workout that never happened.

BagBoy has the Viking next week which is sure to be a crowd pleaser. Until then, here's an extra early pre-blast for The Sword where we'll have a rare Ultraman Q. Also sure to be a crowd pleaser. Thanks to those who came out today and to Fescue for giving me the opportunity to lead. -CB