Stretch/Core/Faux Yo

Event Date

Aug 31, 2021


Three of MILF3’s finest fellas came out to Cobalt to get their stretch on with a generous helping of timed core abs. Yep


  • Was really glad to see Pinky make an appearance. Grip initially proposed that we only do partner exercises, which thankfully does not work with a threesome. Gratitude

  • We learned something this morning.Taking a leak in the backyard at a Mexican Birthday on a Sunday can lead to an off the books poison ivy consult on Tuesday morning. Repeat offender status

  • G(r)/(n)ip is convinced that if Natty was at same party he was, he would have definitely noticed it

  • Glad to hear somebody made it out on Mountain Island Lake by boat to hear Josh Daniel perform

  • The second annual Testival is scheduled for next weekend. It’s a fairly unorthodox party that celebrates the one year anniversary of the removal of a testicle for the guest of honor. It’s “One ball of a good time”, according to the koozie’s printed for the first annual Testival last year

  • Great work men!