Stretch Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self

11 pax including the Q arrived to find out we would all get extra steps in today due to parking lot work being done in front of our AO and thus half the lot was taped off “for our safety”.  YHC did not see any pax turn around and leave – instead we all embraced the extra effort needed.

YHC played Ice Cube’s “Stretch Yo Self” (could be “Check Yo Self” now that YHC thinks about it? – nah) as my walk-up song and Ponch was immediately excited and glad he chose Stretch today.  Next the playlist would move to one YHC made yesterday consisting of all unplugged recordings, beginning with Jay Z and UGK for “Big Pimpin’ – Live”.  Also a hit with Ponch.  This was the only unplugged rap recording YHC could find on Spotify and YHC was disappointed as per my research there was indeed an MTV Unplugged airing of Yo MTV Raps back in 1991.  C’mon Spotify – do better.

Anyhoo…  Next the playlist shifted to Limp Bizkit’s unplugged cover of “Behind Blue Eyes” which Ponch identified within seconds of the first note.  Ponch was all smiles and named every artist and song until a-ha’s “Take On Me” was played.  Ponch, not a fan of this one.

The workout was not just about the music (unless you’re Ponch), but YHC certainly put some effort into setting the mood and adding to the ambiance.

Then there was ample stretching called by the Q, a segment of The Vertical Pounder (both planned by the Q and recommended by Amen) then about half the pax were called upon to suggest/lead a stretch or exercise for the final 10 mins.

In closing Ponch read from a note in the bag and claimed the true story of causing a lunar eclipse with a male body part.  Amen took us out with the last verse in Revelations, which fit perfectly.

Attendance is down, as is the number of pax who step up to Q consistently.  Isotope is at risk of losing some AOs and we’re going to see fewer pax if we don’t all get back to some basics of sharing the Qs, reaching out to one another to post, offering to pick up a friend, EHing new guys, etc.  CSAUPs are great as are races and other events – but if pax prioritize these over the greater pax and greater mission of F3 then we will fail at our mission, which is “To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.”  Let’s not forget we are here for each other and our communities.
