StretchArmstrong went Old School – TBQ

Event Date

Jul 13, 2016

6 pax stepped out of their comfort zone to get uncomfortable for 45 minutes of hot and humid, drippy, TBQ-style Yoga, reminiscent of the old #StretchArmstrong days with Tony Horton at the helm via video. We never "Strayed" off the surface of our 12 sq. ft. of pink and purple mats borrowed from our M's.

Focus today was on intensity of each hold. You get out of this what you put into it, men. Even downward dog can wear you out if you do it right.


Loosed up with Sun Salutations, leading into long leg quivering holds of:

  • runners pose 
  • crescent pose 
  • warrior 1
  • warrior 2
  • …with many merkins, upward dogs and downward dogs in between.

chair pose, multiple times

balance and strength moves of 1-leg stands with leg to chest, leg straight out in front, and toe-lock; tree

hamstring stretches, including triangle and twisting triangle

boat/canoe/raft – courtesy of Jar Jar from COLA; table with leg raise to stretch the abdominals

Iliopsoas muscle work; x9 each side;

glute bridge with isometric hold at the top

cobblers pose; RECOVER RECOVER


  1. It's hard to remember all the moves at a workout like this, so, I probably missed a few exercises…Cobains.
  2. Wow!  Is that Ludi and MiniMe at Stretch?  Great to see you guys come back.  It's been way too long. You've been missed.  Don't miss again!  It's bad for you.  I think Ludi had to introduce himself to Chachi and Cooter today.
  3. MiniMe tried, but was unable to recover the form he's so well known for.  Primo knows the form of which I speak.  He's still a master of it.
  4. Cooter made a rare (or 1st?) appearance at StretchArmstrong and pledged to return.  Yes, brother.  You need this, as do all your friends.
  5. To all the pax, stretch after every workout.  Be intentional about it.  It's good for you and will keep you "…perservering in the race marked out for you…" much longer. Don't believe me?  Says so in the book of Hebrews…look it up.

Great 2nd F at Coffeeteria with MiniMe and Omaha.  Enjoyed the chat, fellas.