
Event Date

May 03, 2022


Five of MIL’s finest came on down to Cobalt to sample yet another version of the rebranding efforts. StretchLab was referenced in the pre-blast, so we went with it. As previously noted, a formal retelling of stretch and core exercises is not exactly what anyone would call reader friendly, so let’s just move onto the Moleskine


  • Overheard during the workout: “What happened to Body By Natty?”
  • What day is it again? You just may be retired if you go to Muscle Beach with weights on a Tuesday. Quick course correct and back to the house for a mat and all was well.
  • Fun fact: Bee stings cause swelling, with severe cases including elephantitus of the testicular region
  • Pinky’s running belly light is…..conspicuous. It’s good to be seen
  • Overheard during the workout: “G Rip puts the Labia in StretchLab”. This may have been taken out of context
  • Q’s family is getting a new dog on Mother’s Day. It was a complicated negotiation but his standing was improved when both sides realized the inevitability of adding a canine and a keezer to the family.  It’s really sweet that my family is gonna let me name the keezer
  • Overheard during the workout: “Didn’t this used to be easier?” “This seems to be more Body By Natty than StretchLab”
  • Guilty as charged. Upon reflection, the core may have been a tad on the aggressive side
  • Having kids home from college is a beautiful thang
  • A child’s oppressive upbringing may manifest itself by the sheer joy one gets at making your own dinner choice at Vapianos
  • The results of the focus group on rebranding are not yet conclusive. We shall press on until one sticks
  • Great job fellas!