Strolling through the Republic

It was a pretty good crowd for a Monday morning.  Maybe there was some extra celebration yesterday for Cinco de Mayo and it was time to work that off on Seis de Mayo.


This included all of your favorites and it was glorious: SSH, IST, Peter Parkers, Slow Squats, Mericans, Downward Dog, Stretchy Stretchy


Mosey to the lot behind Summit Coffee – where you'll be able to help set up the tables and tents for the Farmers Market this Saturday.

Muster at the bottom of the lot.

Elevens: Mericans at the bottom, Jump Squats at the top 1/10, 2/9, 3/8, 4/7 …….10/1

Find a partner – size does not matter.

Partner A – LBCs

Partner B – run to the top of the lot and back


5 Burpee Penalty because not all of the "A"'s touched the sidewalk

Partner A – low flutters

Partner B – run to the top of the lot and back


5 Burpee Gift becase everyone touched the sidewalk

Muster at the bottom of the lot

Mosey over to DUMC and the Pavers

Curls, Overhead press, Skull Crusher, Curl to Press to Skull Crusher, Squat, Bent over row

Grab your partner.  Partners run around the parking lot in opposite directions – when you find your partner, drop and do 20 hand slap mericans (palnk head to head, merican, slap hands).  After mericans continue around lot – meet up for 20 more mericans.

Back to the rocks – progressive curls, overhead press, skull crusher

Put the pavers back

Lunge walk to the traffic bump – mosey to the dumpsters


Head on back to the Green


W's, Pretzel Curunch, Dying Cockroach, LBCs

Recover, Recover

Lunchpail Moleskine

– Nothing out of the ordinary or gimmicky with this workout (not that I have anything against out of the ordinary or gimmicky).  Good group, some chatter – all worked hard.

– Prayers up for Canuck's MIL and for a golf buddy who was going in for open heart surgery.

– Always an honor and a pleasure to be with you fine men.  Thanks for the chance to lead this morning.


