Strong Man

Strong Man Events

1: Run to the Ash Pond.  Warmorama along the way SSH x 30, Mericans x 10, TS x 15, IST Hilbilly Style x 15  

Sprintervals Remix: round of exercise then sprint 50 yards, 2nd round of exercise then sprint 50 yards.

  • 10 Mericans
  • 10 Burpees
  • 10 LBCs
  • 10 Squats

2: Austrialian Peelback: Team in file, continuous squats, front guy bear crawls to back.  Continue until team reaches destination.

3: Kickin' Curb Dips: Original style x 10, Left Leg up x 10, Right leg up x 10

4: Boxing Drills: Run back to the Pool, partner up, 1 minute rounds

  • combo (jab, cross)
  • 4 count combo (jab, cross, hook, cross)

Mary: Plank twists, Warrior, Low Flutter, Box Cutter, Can opener

The Moleskine:

  • 'Staches and women's suffrage: somehow we made the connection between the two.
  • 911 was trading paint with Pinky and Slow Roll.
  • More wedding advice for Tooltime.  Next weekend is the big day!
  • PSA: bicycle seats can rupture sensitive body parts causing questions later in life.
  • Welcome back, hambone!
  • Always a honor to lead a great group of men!