Strong workout at the Oak!

15 strong showed for a Grand Oak workout

Warm up –

But kickers and high knees with mosey to traffic circle

Work out –

Lunges to 3 o’clock on circle

Broad jump burpees to 6 o’clock on circle

Lunges to 9 o’clock on circle

Broad jump burpees to 12 o’clock on circle


Mosey to bottom of big hill between traffic circles

Paired up and partner 1 did 25 burpees and partner 2 ran to top of hill

Flip-flop for team total of 50 burpees

Repeat but swap out 25 burpees with 25 hand release mercans and 25 regular mercans



Gobble up group on last run and crawl bears and bear crawls on larger hill half way

Indian runs back to bus lot entrance


25 hand release mercans


Mosey to basketball courts

Sprint to other end and 25 WW2 sit-ups

Sprint back and 25 WW2 sit-ups

Sprint back and mosey to circle


20 turkish get ups 10 each arm

Airborn mind bender for 20 seconds or so

10 burpees

  • Good workout boys

  • Thanks to Ditka for allowing me to lead