Strutters gonna strutt

FNG1 = Yogi, FNG2 = second post new guy Alan, now named BOARDWALK.  Side note: he's from Davidson… great job recruiting your own up there you wine-drinking northerners.

So I heard Strutter was making his return to Night Ranger tonight so I pulled out some 5+ yeasr old backblasts and copied a few pieces from them so we could go old-school.  

WARM-O-RAMA:  The Burpee, SSH, IST, Windmill, Mt Climbers, Dwight Schrutes.

THANG:  Run to Holbrook park pavillion, Dips, Step-ups, more Dips, Jump-ups, run to 5-points hill and do the following: 10 count ladder with merkins and squats (i.e. 9 merkins at bottom, 1 squat at top, 8 merkins at bottom, 2 squats at top, etc.), trail of tears home (indian run with final guy doing one burpee before running up).

MARY:  low flutter, Suzanne Summers, box cutter, WW2, pretzel crunch, plank out the clock.

The finale and post-workout beers were blessed with a wonderful lightnight storm to the south, which looked very threatening but never actually came as far north as us.  Great work men, thank you Crocs for the chance to lead, and to all the great and supportive men of F3.  
