Stumbling Block Circuit

Event Date

Aug 15, 2020


7 pulled it together and emerged from the gloom…looking for a physical challenge, looking for a few laughs, looking for comaraderie.  All boxes were checked.  This is how it went down…


Warm Up:
 10x SSH
 10 windmills
 10x 'mericans
 10 cotton pickers
 10x ISW

Mosey to the back, max pull ups, grab a block, and return to the LZ.

Stumbling Block Circuit:
OYO the following, pax leaves when all have finished trifecta and at least one person has finished the high plank Peter Parkers
 10 squats
 10 shoulder touch merkins
 10x bent rows
 10x monkey humpers
 10 trifectas
 10 high plank Peter Parkers
grab your block, we're moving…

…at the top of LBH, Stumbling Block Circuit
…cul-de-sac near Casa Skipper, Stumbling Block Circuit
…at the top of LBH, Stumbling Block Circuit
*** super impressed with several huge efforts by the pax, none more impressive than Anvil and Salty (!!)

blocks down, recovery interlude
mosey to the other cul-de-sac on top of LBH
30 WWI's
mosey back
*** several calls of foul on too fast of a mosey speed, knowing what awaited…
…at the top of LBH, Stumbling Block Circuit
*** Mulligan, Twinkle, and YHC were really, really wishing we had skipped the 5k and swim before the workout…so toasted
…back down at the LZ, Stumbling Block Circuit
*** by this point, Dandelion was begging for windmills instead of more block work, so you KNOW things were desperate
*** Strudel plugging along, leading the pax-not-named-Anvil-or-Salty crew

Brief parking lot fun:
 high knees + mosey back
 butt kickers +mb
 karaoke left +mb
 karaoke right +mb
 back to the back, blocks back, max pull ups…about 1 by this point

 10x Freddy Mercury's
 10x low dollies
 10x Jane Fonda's right
 10x Jane Fonda's left
 1 minute American Hammers

Reflection: Romans 14:13
"Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother."
** So common to hear judgment on someone's past or current failings.  #socialmediaFAIL  That's not our role in the world.
** If we are to share Christ's love with those around us, we need to check our attitude and how we interact with others.
** Be uncommon, do not pass judgment.  Even more, be aware of your beloved brothers failings, and be intentional about not contributing to temptations or placing stumbling blocks in a brother's path to know redemption and salvation and peace.

*** mixed throughout the workout
*** apologies for the late backblast.  Crashed for 2-hrs immediately after showering; I was done.  Then moved the M into her new school Sat.  Then moved 2.2 into his new apartment/UNCC Sun.  Been a nutty week.
*** not too late to join the clown car(s) visiting MetroDog's new AO Launch on Sat 8/22.  Contact Hefty or me for more deets.
*** Murph on Aug 31st
*** Sept 7th – Labor Day – doing a Triathlon thing.  Keep an eye out for Preblast.

Such an honor to lead guys – super impressed with your tenacity to keep pushing