Stumpy Creek Casino

11 Pax rolled into Stumpy Creek Park to see what was in store for this week.  With the Nascar race beeing in Las Vegas this wekend and since we are the Race City we had to do a little gambling during the beatdown.  Heres what i recall happening


Mosey down to the boatlaunch ramp area and circle up

Soy Bean Pickers x 10

SSH x 20

IST x 10

Partner up size and speed dont matter.  Get directions for q.

5 Card Stud  A deck of cards is placed at the Top near the Porta John and the bottom is the other end of the parking lot.  As a team run to the bottom for burpies starting with 10 and going down by 2 each time you get to the bottom.  At the top same thing with merkins starting with 10 and going down by 2 after each trip.  After merkins grap a card and hold onto and head back to the bottom repeat until your group has 5 cards.  At the end the goal was for everyone to wager a number of burpies they choose as to who has the best hand.  Most bet really low

Mix in a little bit of Las Vegas Trivia here and there for a chance at no burpies if you get the correct answer.  Love Shack go one right and saved his team burpies.

21  using the same top and bottom and deck of cards run to the bottom for 10 squats each time and 10 merkins at the top each time until you have your cards add up as close to 21 as you can get without busting.  Everything under a 17 must be hit you bust you owe 10 burpies everything else you do 1 burpie for every number you are away from 21.  Everyone was given the chance for double or nothing by pickin high or low card and only Panama Red and Lear played and won.  

Mosey to the hill for round 2 of 5 card stud.  Partner 1 bear crawl to the top of the hill and get a card then mosey back to the bottom partner 2 does squats at the bottom AMRAP switch and continue until you have 5 cards.  Everyone got to bet burpies on who has the best hand.  


LBC x 40, Mason Twist slow x 10, WWII x 10


Nice job this morning everyone large number of respects that push the pace for everyone well done

Elections are coming up so the Senator has come out of hibernation.

Chainsaw was also present but he needs to go to and register.  

If your reading this and aren't on the calender to q really consider signing up to lead a workout.  Dont be afraid to step up and lead everyone had their first time and im sure you can count better than 123 himself.  

22 Veteran suicides everyday by those who have faught to protect our freedoms think about how you can reach out and help someone who may have lost all hope.  

As always it truly is an honor to Q any F3 workout and have this fine group of men follow along.  Have a great day.