Stupid Exercises that Work

13 men dragged themselves from bed to fight runner's arms at the Intimidator. 

Warmup: Mosey to first parking lot then 20x SST, 20x Cupcake Hillbilly, 10x Cottonpicker, 15 Merkins. Lot split by delivery truck, mosey to larger parking lot. 

The Thang: single arm kettlebell swings, skullcrushers, outhouse curls. Introduced the Totebagger (also known as Goatbagger or Goatbag Swing- hams & abs burner). Run to end of parking lot and back. Jump ropes brought out and Sack Swing introduced- step through a dog leash looped through a kettlebell, walk to end of parking lot and back. Repeat until everyone has a turn, strange exercise that increases hip stability and can reduce lower back pain. Face pulls (for posture), upright rows, lawnmower pulls, hip press (moob reduction), merkins, etc when not jumping rope or sack swinging- run every time the Q gets too gassed to call cadence. 

Full 15 minutes of round table Mary until out of time- notables include the Rosalita Press from Cupcake & W Press from Cheezwhiz. 

Moleskin: Jumping rope sucks- we should do more of it. On the flip side, Sack Swings are hilarious. Senior pax surprisingly good at walking normally with a low hanging ball- though still confused why Lear felt the need to slap it repeatedly against the nearby building. 

 Honor as always to lead this group, thanks for the keys Cupcake.