Subbed in to Q for Greyhound

FNG Spencer Schumacher from Wisconsin named Shot Put at Paininsula.

Warmarama:  SSH 10x, IST w squat 10x, Lunge with elbow to ankle and extend arm 10x each, merkin timebomb 5-4-3-2-1

The Thang: Mosey with around the world & zamporini on the way to pull up bars

KB sing 10

10 pull ups, lawn mower 10x

low curl 7x, high curl 7x, full curl 7x

kb sing 10

shoulder press 15x, carolina dry dock 15x

kb sing 10

skull crusher 15x, dips 15x

chest press w low flutter 20x, diamond merkin 1ox

kb swing 10

Up and over kb 20x, apart & together over kb 20x

squats 20x, side lunge 20

calf raises: toes out 15x, toes in 15x, reg 15x

kb swing

pull ups 10, curl 15x, shoulder press 15x, skull crusher 10x, chest press 20 x, up and over 20x, squats 20x, calf raise 20x

kb sing 10

mosey back with around the world and zamporini


tumbleweed ribbon 20, greyhound lbc 15x, airstream arm raise with opposite leg raise 20 (cant rmember name), strom crunchy frog 10x, roadkill (cant remember exercise), FNG tried some crazy exercise and we made him change to heels to heaven, breakdancer 10x


I told Greyhound i would take the Q if I could make it so I was there to take Q in place of greyhound.

Airstream was only one counting so i threatened burpees and all PAX started counting

Greyhound still showing up and still recovering, stay strong!

Great job PAX!  

See you all back here Monday for my QvQ against Rocket

