Substitute teachers are the best!! They just pop in the movie and… Hey, wait a minute…

Event Date

May 09, 2017

9 Pax, including STP and Overboard, showed up to a workout expecting a Ramrod beat down, but were pleasantly surprised (at least initially) to find YHC getting the chance to Q his first Davidson workout at the Sweatshop. Duvall attempted to prevent the last minute Q switcheroo, but YHC was able to resist the inital onslaught and it all soon faded to standard mumblechatter. 


20 SSHs IC, 12 Cotton Pickers IC, 10 Windmills IC, 10 Imperial Walkers IC, 10 Toy Soldiers IC

Mosey to track



Partner up on track

– Partner leg throws, 1 minute each

– Catch Me if You Can for 1.5 laps – Humpy Crawly** while partner runs, then catch up with partner and flapjack. Repeat until reach end point

** The Humpy Crawly consists of doing 10 Monkey Humpers, then walking hands out to full extension, merkin, then walk feet up to hands and you’re back in it

– Quadrasuicides/burpee ladder. Quadrafilia out, burpees, then sprint back, working up to 100 yds in 10 yd increments, and down from 10 burpees in 1 burpee increments.

   Partner 1 – Quadrafilia 10 yds, 10 burpees, sprint back to start.

   Partner 2 – 30 squats, then alternating lunge while waiting for partner

   Flapjack until both partners have completed full routine

   Total: 550 yds of quadrafilia, 550 yds of sprint, 55 burpees, 300 squats, and ~40 lunges each leg for those who kept pace

– Catch Me if You Can for 0.5 lap – Humpy Crawly**, then catch partner and flapjack

Mosey back to the Green


Superman banana for 2 minutes 


– Prayers up for another Sweatshop faithful Gable, who will be undergoing a procedure later this month

– Great to hear Crude's surgery went well and he is recovering quickly. Word is he was able to walk upstairs to attend some 3rd F in the morning and even took the time to do a drive by mumblechatter during the workout.

– T Claps to Hawkeye, who is like a machine that got stuck in the on postion, there is no stop button with that guy until the bell tolls. 

– T Claps to Duvall for actually sprinting during the suicides. The BRR doesn't know what's coming. Flatley did though.

– Thanks all for the opportunity to lead

Swing State