Sudz blasts off as the newest AO

The news of the Sudz Run becoming an official AO ran through Isotope like the 2015 Carolina Panthers did through the NFL on their way to a 15-1 record. The excitement for this morning was palpable and 15 PAX joined Airstream on a very cold morning that would have made the frozen tundra of Green Bay proud. The PAX had 42 minutes to complete their desired distances, get back to launch for COT and coffee. PAX all-timers Stromboli, Macbeth, and Moby Dick joined for coffee. Big and loud crew descended on Starbucks. 

Centerfold our newest member has already EH’d his neighbor so it was nice having new meat. Both are athletes so there was no dropping them as they both cruised 5 miles without showing any signs of discomfort. 
FNG 1 Centerfold

FNG 2 Corey, Centerfolds neighbor

Prayers for aging parents, Cousin Eddie’s mother, the entire Isotope family. Good news shared by Hippie about his nephew who has been struggling with life and its demands, he has turned the corner and is on the road to improving! 

“If God is for us who can be against us.” St. P


