Sudz Run 2025 kick-off

9 hard chargers joined Airstream this morning for the Torrence Chapel run and coffee. Great way to start the new year. Isotopes new F1, Omega, is in discussions with the “higher ups”, not sure who that is, maybe our very own deep state about making the weekly Sudz run a permanent AO. With good weekly attendance numbers it might make sense. Omega will make the call, stay tuned. 
Great to see Bagboy and Kid Rock out at Sudz, they are not on the typical rotation, KR says it’s just too far.                                                  Goat has his own trail that he likes to follow, learned it’s 1.2 miles to Cornelius PD, a favorite stop for Goat!
Possum declared that he set a PR for the year! Fastest pace.                                                       Full Moon only has 2020 more miles to accomplish his 2025 goal!                        Cubicle still refuses to wear anything more than t-shirt and shorts even when it’s 36. 
Hippie was happy to get back to running after a week of cross country skiing.                   Shake just tolerates everyone as he does all of this to prepare for ski season.           Greyhound continues to get better at this thing called running! Keep at it ‘Hound. 
I pray all PAX have a healthy and blessed New Year. We are stronger as a group than individuals.


