
Event Date

Nov 06, 2018

Five registered voters made it out on the first Tuesday of November to experience a unique form of sufferage prior to exercising their right of suffrage. Early exit polls on the experience were favorable.


Dynamic stretching platter

The Thang:

Since it was a bit moist for Election Day, mosey over to the covered area.

Deck of 52 cards (sans jokers)

  • Value of the card = the number to do of the exercise
  • ♦ Diamonds: ‘Mericans, Face cards = Diamond ‘Mericans
  • ♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats
  • ♣ Clubs: Lunges, Face cards = Jump Lunges
  • ♥ Hearts: Burpees
  • Any Ace: One Lap around school (1/3 mile)


  • By my unofficial count that is 90 reps of ‘Mericans, Squats, Lunges and Burpees. Sufferage indeed

  • Due to being short on time, each ace represented only 1/2 lap

  • Half marathon recap from Saturday. We started with a blistering pace, then the pace got progressively slower, and legs got really heavy by the end. Still finished with a much better finish time than last year’s race. All of ten seconds of improvement that is

  • Instead of age divisions, believe there should be entries and competition based on one’s weight class #masterclydesdale

  • There is a lot of inspiration out on the course when in need of it including a blind runner that we saw on the early part of the course. There are also other visual distractions that can be inspiring. I have never been one to stereotype or to paint with overly broad brush strokes, but there are very few brick sharthouses from the fairer sex out there running around

  • Shout out to F3 brother Mojito who finished the full marathon under his target time of 4 hours (3:57:58)

  • This may be in stark conflict with eating season that began last week, but it may make some sense to drop a few lbs before the next race. That is quite a load to be covering all that ground

  • The absolute best part of a long race like this is the beer at the end. With that in mind, the next CSAUP on the books is the Craft Beer Half Marathon (& 5 miler) on Saturday March 30, 2019 in the University area. This coincides with the start of Charlotte craft beer week that most of you already have blocked on your calendars. If you are in need of inspiration or confidence that you can finish, Oktoberfest is up for it, so really anybody can do it. The 5 miler is also a good option since it will get you to the beer (finish) line faster. Give it some thought and reflection since it will undoubtedly be a blast

  • But wait, there's more.  The race apparently has the most swag for any Half Marathon in the area!

    • Long Sleeve Shirt

    • Custom Bibs with your name on it

    • Coaster Finisher Medals (do this race 4 times and you’ll have a set of coasters)

    • Pint Glasses for all Half Marathon participants only

    • Can/bottle Koozies for all Half Marathon participants only

    • Attached is the link to sign up. Prices go up January 1st

  • Pax suspects that Grip may feel a bit dissed. He volunteered to Q a Saturday workout twice over the last month, but there may have been another no show this past weekend. Hell hath no fury like a Grip scorned.

  • My girlfriend does not mind when I take my ex out for a ride so the chassis stays ready for the winter months. It’s complicated.

  • Prayers for our country and its elected leaders

  • Great work men!