Suicides and Rocks at Hollywood

Also in attendance but not registered on the site – The Magnificent

FNGs – Joe and Mike


Mosey to the theater parking lot and perform dynamic warmup – butt kickers, high knees, Carioca Left and Right

Circle Up:

SSH x 20IC

IST x 15IC

Cotton Pickers x 10IC

Mountain Climbers x 15IC

The Thang

Mosey to the other side of the theater and partner up for

Island Suicides

Round 1:

Partner 1 – WWII situps, Partner 2 – 15 Merkins at each island (45 total) while returning to start position after each set


Round 2:

Partner 1 – LBC, Partner 2 – 5 Burpees at each island (15 total), Flapjack

Round 3:

Partner 1 – Low Flutter, Partner 2 – 10 CDD (30 total) (Audible – too much running so we didn't return to start after each set)


Grab a non-travelling rock and mosey to parking lot by Birkdale pool.

Partner 1 – Run to light pole and back, Partner 2 – AMRAP Stiff leg dead lifts, Flapjack

Partner 1 – Run, Partner 2 – AMRAP Rock Pullovers, Flapjack

Partner 1 – Run, Partner 2 – AMRAP Squat to Press, Flapjack

Bent Over Rows x 15 IC

Slow Negative Curls x 15 IC

Mosey to the Grass Area

Rock Webbs x 8 


Box Cutter x 15 IC

Dying Cockroach x 15 IC (KingFish)

The Alphabet (Cooter)

Recover, Recover


I was a little worried when it was drizzling this morning as I didn't have much of a back-up plan for the parking deck.  Thankfully the rain held off.

Mumble chatter was relatively low this morning – thanks for taking it easy on me for my first Q.

Hopefully I was able to give everyone a decent beatdown.  It's tough when beasts like Uncle Rico, Soprano, Cooter, and others show up for the workout.

Thanks to Kingfish for taking us out and thanks to Gumby for the EH last June (even though he took me to the Murph for my first post)