Suicides aren’t easier, but we got stronger

BB epic fail. Always save your BB's as you go, ALWAYS, in case you accidentally swipe your mousepad weird and it goes back a page and erases your almost completed BB! Dangit mousepad!

Long story short, quick mosey, quick warmup, adequate disclaimer, grab a block, and GO.

– Thang

As Hoff says, you gotta show to know. But all Pax in attendance would agree it was an awesome workout, you should be bummed if you missed it.

– Moleskine

  • Fudd's first Suicides this morning. Well done. Fudd grows stronger by the workout, but we will have to work on his mumblechatter game.
  • Toby attempted to shame us all with his fitness levels by doing extra reps for the first 2 suicides rounds, but it didn't work, the Pax are incapable of feeling shame! Thanks for taking us out in prayer this morning.
  • How do I submit a name change request for Hasselhoff? I think we should consider renaming him Paul Rudd since, like Mr. Rudd, Hoff never seems to age and continues to outwork men half his age.
  • Baller with a strong effort as always. Looking forward to the coming winter when his added layers of clothing will possibly slow him down so the rest of us can keep up.
  • HSB, Snake Eyes, Bob Ross, and Mona all quietly crushed the workout without complaint. 
  • It's been a year for YHC now. Thanks to all the men of F3 who have welcomed me into the group and given me inspiration to get out of bed in the morning, as well as giving me the chance to lead. The pleasure has been all mine.
  • And thanks to Hoff for the chance to lead this morning.