Suicides..or…Intervals…or…Something Like That

Event Date

Aug 14, 2017


15          IC           SSH

15          IC           MC       

15          IC           Squats

Stretches – right over left and vice versa

Mosey for a lap around the parking lot counter-clockwise and stop at the tennis courts.


THE THANG:  Suicides / Intervals …sort of

Start in the parking lot at the islands near the entrance to the tennis courts


Run at 80-90% to the first set of islands (80 yds)

Bear crawl up the length of the island (10 yds)

Mosey back (80 yds)

Crawl-bear down to the start (10 yds)

Plank for the six


Run at 70-80% to the second set of islands (160 yds)

Bear crawl up the length of the island (10 yds)

Mosey back (160 yds)

Crawl-bear down to the start (10 yds)

Plank for the six


Run at 60-70% to the third set of islands (230 yds)

Bear crawl up the length of the island (10 yds)

Mosey back (230 yds)

Crawl-bear down to the start (10 yds)

Plank for the six


Head to the the benches for decline merkins (10 IC)


REPEATO until time for Mary

(Almost three full circuits completed, moseyed straight to the launch pad for Mary on the last leg of round 3)


6 MOM:

10 IC Dr. W


30-second mason twist



Ephesians 4:29

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.



  • So as we’re getting ready to begin, an unfamiliar car pulls in to the lot and a young man gets out.  As usual, we all look around at each other wondering if anyone knows who the new guy is.  No one seems to know.  Turns out, he was just there to run the track.  Not today, my friend!   After minimal prodding, our new friend joins the warm-up circle and quickly notices that everyone else has gloves on. Probably thinking to himself, “here’s my opportunity to escape”, he never gets the chance as Spork immediately offers his and we’re off!  So, we welcome our FNG, Brandon, to F3 and look forward to getting you an F3 name at your next workout.  I know we weren’t what you were expecting to find when you left for the track this morning, but I hope you enjoyed it and come back for more on Wednesday!
  • As usual for this time of year, there was no shortage of sweat from the PAX.
  • Q should have checked Facebook before leaving and might have noticed that it is Clark’s birthday today.  No mention of it during the workout.  Perhaps he didn’t want a good paddling from the PAX? (but that doesn’t sound like Clark…)  Happy Birthday, Brother!
  • Managed to get about 2.1-2.2 miles in with a good chunk of it run at a decent pace.  Had to do a little bit of work on our soccer arms just to keep things balanced a bit.  
  • As always, gentlemen, it is an honor to be given the opportunity to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this thing we call F3.