Summertime in the LBC

Event Date

Jun 21, 2017

12 posted to get their summer season started off right.  We had one FNG, but actually ran out of FNG tags due to unregistered guys.  Not listed above is Einstein, ShortBus, Bolt, Stitches, and our actual FNG Adam, now known as Weld.  We will get to how we named weld in a few minutes, but this is what we did.

15 IC Toy Soldiers
15 IC Tony Hawks

The thing

Mosey over to CSES, stopping at the park benches  for 20 IC Dips, Continue to the playground.
Disclaimer: Modify pull-up reps or number

10 Standard grip Pull-ups
10 IC Standard 'Mericans
10 IC Monkey Humpers

10 Reverse grip Pull-ups (chin-ups)
10 IC Pseudo Planche 'Mericans
10 IC Monkey Humpers

5 Corn Cob Pull-ups (Start wide grip)
10 IC Chest to ground 'Mericans
10 IC Monkey Humpers

Repeato that whole thing (Starting at pull-ups)

Mosey back towards the launch pad, stopping at the benches for another 20 IC Dips

Continue up to the parking lot
Lunge walk up the hill, mosey back
Reverse lunge up the hill, mosey back

10 IC Peter Parker
10ish Homer to Marge to Mr. Burns
10 IC Low Dolly
15 IC Low Flutter
30 Second American Hammer


Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.- Simon Sinek

Philippians 2:3

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves.

Do something nice for your wife, or for our 2.0's…your mom.  Ease her burden, something that she would normally do, but you won't screw up.


  • Lots of stuff that could be put in here.  Most of it said by Clubber. Guess he was trying to make-up for his fartsack on Monday.  I'll let him repeat it in the comments.
  • Stitches, congrats for making through another workout without a biological emergency.
  • Weld comes to us through Stitches and works for a structural engineering firm in Race City. During one of the sets of pull-ups, the PAX hears a loud "POP" and we wonder if a weld broke on the playground.  Being the structural guy that he is, he assessed the weld and determined that it did not break.  When Weld was suggested I considered the name "Von Mises", but thought that might be too confusing and leave more questions during future name-a-roma's and COT.