Suns Out Guns Out

Warm Up

20 x Clapping SSH IC (intentionally clap hands)

15 x Monkey Humpers IC

15 x Tempo Merkins IC

The Thang

Hallelujah Parking Lot Lap stopping at benches in front of school. Laps around drop-off circle

Lap 1 – Lunge walk – 20x OYO Incline merkins

Lap 2 – High Knees – 20 x OYO Jump/Step-ups

Lap 3 – Butt Kickers – 20x OYO Decline Merkins IC

Lap 4 – Backwards Run – 20x OYO Dips #watchout

–To the dungeon

Wall sits with air presses while 2 pax members rotate through 5 merkins each

Wall sits while 2 pax members rotate through 5 standard burpees each

 45 Seconds balls to the wall #groanfest

–Mosey to down under bars for bicep and ab work

20 x palms facing each other OYO

20 x palms facing out OYO

20 x Crunches IC

15 x palms facing each other OYO

15 x palms facing out OYO

15 x reverse Crunches IC

10 x palms facing each other OYO

10 x palms facing out OYO

10 x Crunches IC

5 x palms facing each other OYO

5 x palms facing out OYO

5 x crunches IC

Form 2 lines at pull-up bar rotate through and hold squat while you wait your turn #igotnoarmsleftatall


Run back to warmup, long way around school

Mosey back for Mary

Crawl bears up stairs

20 x reverse crunches IC

20x Low flutter IC

20 x LBCs IC

60 sec mason twist IC


“So you must remain faithful to what you have been taught from the beginning. If you do, you will remain in fellowship with the Son and with the Father. And in this fellowship we enjoy the eternal life he promised us. I am writing these things to warn you about those who want to lead you astray.” 1 John 2:24-26 NLT

  • Be steadfast in your faith and aware of those things that may be distracting



– Lambeau (cutler) was entertaining as always

– quiet bunch today and not a lot of mumblechatter that I could hear … too busy panting

– Sound off in the comments what I didn't hear