Super Murph

Event Date

Feb 26, 2022

3 men met – perfect outdoor workout conditions

Warmorama – SSH, plank/paddle, runner's lunge.  

The Thang – 5K, Murph, 5K

Mary – IC flutter kicks X 30, box cutter X 20, Freddy X 30

Moleskine –

  • Ville to Ville is coming – 5 weeks.  Q has been advised to train by running lots of hills
  • Ville to Ville is coming – Schwinn has no intention to run any hills
  • just over 8 minute pace for the 5Ks
  • kids are great, empty nesting is better
  • Schwinn taking sweet daughter LB to enjoy some music is Greenville SC.  
  • Slow has a great proposal story
  • — highly recommended if you want to meet someone who obviously should have gone into dermatology
  • if you see an early 2000's model Sienna van blowing through the neighborhood stop signs, don't judge, it could be the transmission.  Oddly, changing the transmission fluid didn't fix the problem
  • putting $3000 into a transmission in a van that is worth about $1000 oddly makes sense, if you are delusional

COT – prayers for Surf's MIL, Q's MIL, Ukranians and World leaders.