Super Set My Man

Event Date

Jan 22, 2020

5 men appeared for some super sets at Muscle Beach


SSH x 25, WM x 15, CP x 15, TS x 15, IST x 15, Merkins x 10, Run around the parking lot.

The Thang:

It's super set time again!  9 stations, 2 exercises each station, 10 reps of each exercise followed by a brief rest, then 10 more reps of each exercise before moving on to the next station.


  1. ? Jabs / Upper Cuts – 10lb dumbbells
  2.  Ball Crunch Press / Curls – 25/ 30lb dumbells
  3.  Corkscrew Chop Left / Corkscrew Chop Right – 15lb dumbbells
  4.  Bench / Bridge Press – 40lb dumbbells or 35lb kettlebells
  5.  Step Ups / Lunge Twist – 40lb sandbag
  6.  Squats / Rows – 60lb sandbag
  7.  Deadlift Row / Figure 8's – 45/55lb kettlebells
  8.  Lunge Curls / WWII's – 20lb kettlebells
  9.  Clean Press / Arnold Press – 30lb kettlebells

Pax completed the first round super setting it.

The second round pax did not complete, but we went through as many stations as possible given the time with only 10 reps of each exercise, then moving to the next station.  Most everyone completed over half of the stations this round.


  • Props for all in attendance!  Very cold morning (20's) but dry!
  • Gloves can sometimes catch on the kettlebells making the exercises a little more challenging…
  • Finally got warm after the clean press / arnold press station.
  • Pax completed over 460 reps this am of steel.  Solid!
  • El Tigre needs a Q for Muscle Beach on Wed 2/5/20
  • It was both a pleasure an honor gents!