Super Seven Walk the Plank with Blackbeard

Event Date

Oct 10, 2020

PAX Included: Kidney Bean and Spot from Raleigh-Durham

Seven F3 strong gathered in the gloom for the state-of-the-art workout at St. Mark's Church parking lot.

The Thang:


Jog to CopperHead Hill:

Merican x 30


Jog to Oak School:

Blackbeard original Plank-Walk along cross-walk with Merican on each plank

Jog to concrete balls:

Leapfrog concrete balls

Jog back to  cross-walk

Blackbeard original Plank-Walk along cross-walk with Merican on each plank repeato

Jog back to CopperHead Hill:

Merican x 30


Jog back to St. Mark's pull-up bar and blck area

Grab two blocks

Back super-set series:

Two Block Deadlifts x 20

Pull-up x 10

Right block lawn-mower pulls x 20

Left block lawn-mower pulls x 20

Two Block Deadlifts x 20

Pull-up x 10

Right block lawn-mower pulls x 20

Left block lawn-mower pulls x 20

Shoulder super-set series:

Block shoulder press x 20

Block upright row x 20

Two block shoulder shrug x 20

Block shoulder press x 20

Block upright row x 20

Two block shoulder shrug x 20


Super Duper-set series:

Two Block Deadlifts x 10

Pull-up x 5

Right block lawn-mower pulls x 10

Left block lawn-mower pulls x 10

Block shoulder press x 10

Block upright row x 10

Two block shoulder shrug x 10

Walk back to cars with air shoulder press


Five-minutes of mary:

LBC x 24

Dying cockroach x 24

Pretzel crunch right x 24

Pretzel crunch left x 24

Mason twist x 10

Recover, recover.


Great effort by all.