Super Stack.  Man Maker Monday 


Virgin Q at Man Maker Monday.  I tried to bring a little taste of The Blender (Tuesday mornings) to the group. 


Warm up:


Leave KB and mosey to the beginning of the parking lot 


5 burpees 

10 Imperial Stormtroopers 

10 carrot pullers/long snapper 

15 SSH

Walking toy soldier back 15 ft

Mosey back KB


Head one parking lot section with KB


Thang:  Super Stack- 10 exercises


10 reps of each exercise then run to the end of parking lot island (approx  60 yds) then back.  Repeat and then add the next exercise then continue until all 10 exercises stack.  Distance of running was reduced slightly about every 3 exercises. 


  1. KB swing 
  2. Mericans
  3. Curls
  4. Shoulder press 
  5. Skull crushers 
  6. Burpees (audible to lawn mower pull 5 each arm 4 rounds)
  7. Squats
  8. KB upright rows 
  9. Squat thrusters 
  10. Carolina Dry docks 
  11. Lunges 5 each leg 


Total:   110 KB swings

             100 mericans 

               90 curls 

               80 shoulder press 

               70 skull crushers 

               40 burpees 

               50  squats with KB

               40  KB upright row

               30  KB squat thrusters 

               20  bent over rows 5 each arm

               10  lunges 


Mary with Tabata. (25 seconds of exercise with 10 seconds break)


LF with KB

Pretzel crunch Switch leg at whistle 

V ups with KB

Mason twist 


Repeat the 4 Mary exercises


1 round of the following Mary exercises using Tabata 



Box cutter 

Dot the i

WWII sit ups 


Recover recover


14 PAX survived the warmth and humidity.  No one liked the 5 burpees at the beginning but Your’s truly needed to stretch his lower back.  Hall Monitor yelled out today’s workout was going to be easy (it probably was for him). Cousin Eddie was prepared for the stack as he knows this Q very rarely does cadence.  I didn’t hear too much chatter after about 10 minutes into it except for one song by Katy Perry-Tiger.   Outlaw gave a quick bang bang (combo punch) as a reminder to the Q if they make him do burpees. 


As usually, Roxie retrieved the ball for 45 minutes straight. She is now going to sleep the rest of the day.   As for the Q, I had to go plant 4 trees before it got too hot. 


Thanks Cobra Kia for allowing me to Q this morning.  Great work by everyone!

