Supersets with blocks, logs, bricks, and battle rope

Warm Up:

mosey to get bricks, all warm up with bricks, SSH 20x, TS 10x, windmill 10x, arm circles (front and back), burpees 10

The thang:

each pax grab a block and log

block shoulder press 10x, wide brick shoulder flys 15x, alt front brick raises 20x, log shoulder press 10x, brick meracan night club 10x, scorpion dry dock 10x

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others plank, then 10 count

brick tricep extensions in lunge 15x, block skull crushers 10x, brick tricep extension in lunge (other leg), single arm standing skull crushers with 2 bricks 15x (alternate arms) 15x, dips on block while balancing feet on log 15x

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others in table, then 10 count

full block curl 10x, high block curl 10x, low block curl 10x, wide single arm curl with 2 bricks 15x (alternate) 15x, static brick curls 15x (alternate) 15x, single arm concertration curls with 2 bricks 10x (alternate) 10x

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others in al gore, then 10 count

Pull ups 10 (modify if needed), single arm block lawn mower in lunge 10x (alternate) 10x, bent over row with log 10x, upright block row 10x, superman arm block arm raises with chest on block or log 15x

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others in superman, then 10 count

log chest press 20x, chest flys with bricks lying on log or block 20x, merkins hands on blocks and feet on logs 10x, shoulder touch merkins with bricks 20x

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others in side lunge (switch side at 50), then 10 count

squats while holding log or block 15x, alt lunge with block or log 20

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others in boat, then 10 count

calf raise while holding log or block (some pax also had feet on bricks), toes facing out 15x, toes facing in 10x, feet straight 10x

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others in single leg boat (switch leg at 50), then 10 count


toe touches while haning on pull up bar 10 (most modified with toes touches on thier 6), russian twist with whatever PAX wanted to use (bricks, block, log, or nothing)

1 pax to battle rope for 100 reps, while all others did LBC, then 10 count

return all equipment/materials back to the appropriate place

mosey back to homebase for COT


We started with alot of discussion about bourbon and beer!

Stapler was late and we are going to let his trainer, Cobra Kai, know that he is not very punctual!

Kid Rock was really late and decided not to join us and run solo but did join us for COT.

While using big heavy logs and a big long rope, most of the mubble chatter was many many references, jokes and inuendos about penis.

Great to see cotters, Black Socks and Isotoner!

Rocket wanted us to try to use all at one time (block, log, and bricks) but we could not make that happen.

The Force, Firestone and Ultraman, all strong as usual.

There was alot of disagreement about the coffeteria location so we all split up to 3 different locations.