Suprise! 3 Virgin Q’s in one

Event Date

Apr 27, 2016

Eight PAX this morning (including Handsome Rob and Oldies who are not listed above).

Regular Q's were notified of short notice Q need due to Mulligan dealing with family medical emergency (more on this in moleskin section).  Discussions were had, and we decided that out of a proposed "problem" we would let some of the newer guys take the "opportunity".  C# lead a warm up posing as Q, but then had all PAX who have been to F3 workouts more than 5 times raise their hands, then had everyone who has Q'ed before drop their hands, leaving our unknowing candidates selected for today's Q.  Cyclone, Dutch, and Double Check, each had the helm for about 10-15 minutes each.  Each rose to the occasion and here's how it went down:

Warm up: (C#)
15 IC Mountain Climbers
15 IC SSH (saved this for Clark as he rolls in while we are starting)
Then springs the VQ on the PAX at hand…

The Thang:
Part 1 (Cyclone)
Mosey long way to the rock/block pile…
10 IC Curl
10 IC Skull Crushers
10 IC Press
10 IC Squats with block
10 'mericans on block

Part 2 (Dutch)
Put up the blocks and mosey to the track for…
One lap around track single file and in cadence as dutch run beside drill sgt style (left, left, left, right, left)
Then we continue into lap #2 where indian run is added, yet cadence is still kept.
Next to the stadium for…
Up the bleachers, over, down, 10 burpees,
Up the bleachers, over, down, 9 burpees,
Ahhh, times up Dutch!!  Too bad we wont be continuing with that…

Part 3 (Double Check) AKA: Rooodgersss
Mosey over to practice field where he sets us up with a circuit
10 Pull ups
10 Australian Pull ups
5 'mericans/Football sled hits combo
(Repeato 3 times)

Mary go round / Round Robin was elected.  Each PAX called out a quick set of Mary exercies.  Too much for this guy to remember details, but Mary was completed.

I looked up a verse last night that would be suitable for both Mulligan and for our new Q's.  Focusing on Giving it up to God and finding peace in praying to him about our issues… Big issues like what Mulligan is facing, and even the small stuff like being anxious about being Q.

Phillippians 4:6-7
6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


  • Mulligan's father is dealing with some sudden and serious medical issues.  In short, blood clots in his abdomen close to the liver.  We lifted up Mulligan, his father, and his family in our prayer today, and I ask that you brothers also continue to pray for them. 
  • Before we start bashing on the VQ's, I must say that each EAGERLY took the lead as if they had been waiting on the opportunity, and did very well.  If any of you guys want to lead, just say the word.
  • Clark rolls in last second, but only missed a couple mountain climbers.
  • Cyclone runs the long way to the blocks, hmmm, was he stalling while figuring out what he was going to do??  Then kills us with block work, at, aahhumm, various speed cadences.
  • Dutch then waste no time with getting our butts over to the track and running us around.  Drill Sgt style, keeping his solders in line and uniform.  Followed by trying to squeeze a 20 minute burpee ladder, into the remaining 4 minutes of his turn.  We HAD to cut him short.
  • Double Check then rolls right into taking us over to the practice field where he dishes out a circuit.  Says he has been wanting to work in the use of the football sleds, and does just that.  I love it when PAX introduce new ideas!
  • Overall very impressed with each of you guys just going for it!  Well done!