Surface of the sun



*Mosey to the block pile. Grab whatever you can find there to use.

*Return to behind the gym.

*Circuit that includes a block exercise behind the gym, a run to the wall, up and over the wall, an exercise behind the cafeteria before returning to behind the gym for the next round.

   -R1 Curls/Squats

   -R2 Shoulder Press/Hand Release Merkins

   -R3 Skull Crushers/Pretzel Crunch

   -R4 Milk Jugs/Carolina Dry Dock

   -R5 Blurpees/Bear Crawl up Crawl Bear down

   -R6 Trifectas/Wheel Barrow

**Some of the returns to behind the gym we took the long way others we did not.




*Clark arrives as soon as SSHs are done.

*Abrams comes in the parking lot during SSH doing 60 MPH on two wheels.

*Toto comes all the way up from Lake Wylie for a famous Mulligan Q (he may have regretted it)

*FNGs included Mullet and Bronco. Could not find them on the website. Someone get these guys signed up.

*Retread escapes Burn Boot Camp for a day to come enjoy some F3 fellowship.

*Ziploc is looking strong out there. So great to see you back out there brother.

*Spork tries to derail the block workout by informing me the blocks have been destroyed. (Probably by him) But it did not work. Sporks squats include sitting on a bench….

*Jeeves is becoming a familiar face in the gloom again. Nice to see you back out there.

*Sonar appeared to want to hurt me when I said 15 Curls IC and then proceeded to call 29. I forgot Mustang has lighter blocks and owed it to you to call more. You’re welcome.

*Cornholio and Marker quietly make the workout look easy.

*Great numbers at coffee as well.

*Thanks for letting me Q. See you again somewhere soon I hope. The Huntersville calendar has plenty of openings for you guys if you want to venture over this way.