Surprise Co-Q at The Cauldron

14 pax plus the MQ Q plus a guest surprise Q made for 16 total in the gloom of Discovery Place Kids for a pretty painful and YHC might say epic beatdown. The pax gonna feel that later…. The pecs and biceps should be a burnin’!




Circle up 


The J-Lo! 50 IC. Crowd pleaser. 


Warm-o-Rama: The usual, with a “Good Morning” bend/stretch YHC picked up at a F3 Raleigh workout Thurs. 


Zampirini to the weight room


The Force: 

Partner up. Size MATTERS (size of your KB that is)


100 KB bench press

50 KB flies

50 sit-up to press (with bell)



Super sets:


Curls x 20 IC

Helping hand 10 each arm

Iso curls each arm x 10


Skull crushers x 20

Close grip chest press x 15

Dips x 15


Repeato both the above for some serious burn. Believe the number of reps above is close, then thankfully Zare backed off just a little for the repeato. He also had us rotate. That was good for some, very bad for some. 


MWAR (Mary With A Rope)




Always great to have my 2.0 and 2.1 home, but it can come with consequences. Last night we grilled steaks and thus ate and drank far too much, far too late. It hurt this morning. 


Pleased and proud to have Zare issue half the beatdown today. Anyone remember the skinny 175 pound kid who used to post with us?  Zare weighed in at 221 with the guys this morning. 


Not sure Titan enjoyed the Helping Hand so much with 6’4”, 221lb Zare as his partner. Baller was pretty vocal about his dislike of the HH as well. I assumed that was with Lawn Dart as his partner but for round 2 he was even more vocal (profanity added in round 2). His parter? YHC. 


Thanks to Hippie for taking us out in COT. Today is Good Friday and that means more than any words can express, but Hippie reminded us all in COT. Prayers up to Amen’s sister in law, Tuffy’s family, and Zare’s girlfriend Sophie and undoubtedly many unspoken. 


14 of 16 at the workout also attended coffeteria – even multiple who don’t drink coffee. This is often my favorite part of any Friday. Today certainly is Good Friday and a good Friday.   Friday Feast at Jasons Deli around 11:30ish til 1ish. Drop on by for free ice cream and the spectacle that is Jersey Boy making his salad tower. 


The Force (and Zare)… OUT

