Surprise! Mid Month Murph

Event Date

Apr 13, 2017


Seven HIM emerged from the confines of their safe homes and warm cozy fartsacks to yet another Clubber Q in the View! Twice in the last two weeks! Mustang is taking over. First the wall comes down…

With 0.01 seconds remaining Skipper strolls in carrying the flag. Metrodog, well his location is still unknown. 


1 mile run to clubhouse and back, meet at the playground

The Thang

MURPH – that's right a guest Q calls a surprise Murph. Too many soccer arms, so loose. 

20 rounds

  • 5 pull-ups
  • 10 merkins
  • 15 squats

Top off with another mile run.


Psalm 46:1-3
1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.


  • Four with two minutes to go, Dandilion rolls in w Gecko, on two wheels. Skipper struts in with the flag.
  • Metrodog….NO CLUE
  • First exercise 1 mile mosey, head to playground. I feel everyone knew at that point.
  • Lots of utter BS remarks during the 20 rounds
  • Gecko "I'm not sure we became better friends"
  • Dandilion "**!$&DHHD)*(U@)!!!"
  • Didn't pay attention to anything Skipper said.

Pleasure to call "Murph" today and watch PAX squirm. Until next time, seems like I am in the SVU rotation now, GO MUSTANG!
