Surprise Q

Also in attendance, Crawfish, but not listed on site. 


Surprise Q, YHC, came out of no where!  Well, advertised on Twitter but not on the website… after some confusing comms with the Master Q that seemed like he was looking for a Q… but really not.  Confused yet?  Well don't be, this is how it went down. 

YHC showed up with his trusty Bluetooth speaker and kicked it off with some GnR "Welcome to the Jungle"


Mosey, karaoke, high knees, butt kickers and circled up for..

SSH, IST, Windmill, Cotton Pickers, Toy Soldier, and even some streching.  Yes, stretching!

The Thang

Mosey over to the pull up bars, 10 pull ups, squats, 10 more pull ups, squats, and then..

Mosey to the steps, bunny up to the top, repeato, repeato.

Moset to the parking lot wall, hop up, 5 squats, lung walk across parking lane, 5 curb merkins, repeato, repeato

(only 5 merkins to get good form on all 5!)

Mosey to the school wall, People's Chair, Balls to the Wall, repeato.

Mosey to the brick storage bldg, grab a Cindy. 

100 curls, during resting run one lap around one island.

Ultraman decided he would go beast mode and just do all 100 curls and then take a relaxing lap! 

100 chest presses and take at least one lap

50 shoulder presses and take at least one lap

100 lawn mowers with at least one lap

50 block situps, no lap needed, but BoarHog needed the excercise

(this excercise gave the Pax to run more, or less, but get all the reps in)

Put the blocks back for 


Flutter kicks, LBCs, touch them hills, dying cockroach (neck really hurts at this point, as confirmed by Blackbeard)

Recover, Recover

Good time today to be had by all!  Leason learned about volunteering to Q at the last minute.  Make sure the Master Q really needs a Q and make sure to put it on Twitter and the website.  Thanks to Hippie for taking us out in prayer and thanks the BoarHog (and Happy 50th Birthday!) for the coffee at Madeline's!  Till next time, Yours, aye.