Surprise Surprise

Event Date

Dec 02, 2021


Six pax were surprised by a last minute Mayhem substitute Q by Tagless. Text rec'd at 0445 with request for sub from Mayhem so YHC was improvising the whole Weinke and relying on years of Java experience to make it appear as if well-planned (which it was not). Three for separate OTB run (Dallas, Hall Monitor and Mini Me) that joined COT and coffeeteria.

All boxes were checked for Java: 0531 start, 100 merkins, 5K running and 3 minutes of Mary.

Welcome to NoRope 2nd post who fit right in and proved yet again it's a small world as he and YHC overlapped four years of college at Virginia Tech.

Prayers for all in need of healing. Help OST gift wrapping if you can.



