Special thanks to all the PAX that came out to support me for Geek Week – and celebrate the 3 years of F3 that I have been privileged to be a part of.  Special shout out to Bijoux and Hat Trick for EH’ing me.  Overall 42 different PAX members were in attendance this week for Geek Week.  Total tallies each day are: Gladiator (18 Pax) / Hollywood (22 Pax) / The General (20 Pax)



Warm-up: SSH (15) / IST (15) / Squats (15) / Merkins (10) / CDD (10)

Mosey to Bars/Rails: Derkins (15) / Dips (15)

Mosey to Rock Pile: Frisbee Station Exercise with Rock

  • Home Base: CDD (10) / Frisbee1: Leg Lunges (20) / Frisbee 2: Curls (20) / Frisbee 3: Merkins (20) / Frisbee 4: Squats (20) / Frisbee 5: Burpees (5)
  • Object is to start at base – hit station 1 – back to home base.  Then station 1, then station 2, station 1 then home base – follow until hit all stations.

Mosey back to parking lot for some tunes and Mary

JB – “Sorry” was chosen for some shoulder/ab work in hopes to look like The Bieb’s.  Fan favorite from Kid Rock for sure.

Here’s the thing in case you want to use it in the future:

Verse 1: Plamk Jacks / V2: Tony Hawks / “Sorry” Chorus 1: Burpees (7) / V3: J-Lo’s / “Sorry” Chorus 2: Hand Release Merkins (13) / Elbow plank finish


  • Major backlash for the song choice – I knew it when I chose it – and still went with it bc that’s how I roll.
  • Quite Pax for the most part, but that’s what happens when you do station work and carry rocks for 30 minutes and can’t feel your fingers.
  • Proud of the group that came out – as it was more that went to CMS schools that day.
  • Icey conditions helped the PAX not suffer to much running but we still got a little in.


HOLLYWOOD 1/27/16:

Warm Up: SSH (25) / Cotton Pickers (20) / Merkins (10) – Repeat 3 times

Mosey to Rock Pile: LowCurls (15) – 5 burpees OYO / High Curls (15) – 5 burpees OYO / Shoulder Press (15) – 5 burpees OYO / Skull Crusher (15) – 5 burpees OYO (all while shifting to friends rocks)

SSH (25) to wait on PAX while placing rocks back at the pile.

Mosey to Pure Bar to welcome the women to their workout: Monkey Humper (15) / J-Lo’s (20)

Mosey to Parking deck near Dick’s – Frisbee Surprise Bag – PAX choice (partner exercise)

  1. P1: Bear Crawl – then run back down steps / P2: Squats
  2. P1: Lunge Walk – then run back down steps / P2: Merkins
  3. P1: Sprints – then run back down steps / P2: Burpees

Back to Fountain for a little Whip/Nae Nae action and Mary


  • PAX was distracted in front of Pure Bar for sure – especially when we got a “good morning” from one of the ladies.  I’m pretty sure she called the police
  • Called out for liking Rocks and Frisbees – for those that were at Rd 1 of Geek Week.  I care about your fitness and your guns.
  • No Bieber today but Whip Nae Nae is hard dance moves – so hard that Kid Rock was on his hands and knees most of the time bc he couldn’t handle the moves.  More push ups and less BRR my friend.
  • 5 burpees OYO after each rock exercise went over like a fart in church.  Should have respected Outlaw more and not done so many.



Warm-up: SSH (20 / Cotton Pickers (20) / 8-Count BB (10) / Windmill (20)

Mosey to Playground (3 Groups): Pull ups (10) / Box Jumps (15) / Decline Merkins (20)

Mosey around Parking Lot – circle up for Jump Rope Suicides – Pax calls out exercise while doing 50 reps w/ Jump Rope (some ab work, some merkins)

Mosey to parking lot spaces for 4 corners: Merkins (10) / Hand Release Merkins (10) / Diamond Merkins (10) / Shoulder Touch Merkins (10)

Mosey to big wall for Peoples Chair / Partner leg Throwdowns (20) – Repeato

Mosey back to parking Lot for some tunes and Mary (plank and J-Lo combos)

Music selection was “No Rest for the Wicked” – tried to dip into a blend of rock/hip-hop to satisfy the Pax.


  • Promised Outlaw no burpees and technically delivered on that promise (he disagrees stating the fundamentals of the 8-count BB).  He shuffled near me for some closer threats
  • Gnarly Goat is a beast on the pull up bars – wide grips the bar and busts them out no problem
  • Great job on the jump ropes today – can’t say that for most AO’s I have pulled that out on, or maybe only the strong ones cam forward?  Callahan’s new technique could have helped many master it – fake it til you make it, but it sounded like he was really doing it.


Overall I thank everyone who came out to support this week for me – thanks for the accountability each day to help me not fartsack, thank you for the encouragement (and the backlash on twitter on bad music selections), and thank you for encouraging me in my spiritual walk.  Men need other men in their lives to hold them to a higher standard to lead their families through this world – thank you for being those men.