SVU Classics

Event Date

Oct 20, 2020


5 Men joined me for some SVU classics today, thank you all for the hard work!

SSH x 20 IC
Windmills x 10 IC
LT over RT, RT over LT stretch
Monkey Humpers x 10 IC
RT + LT Thigh stretch
BBH Warmup Run, back to playground


Push: x 2 Sets
35 Merkins OYO
20 Dips OYO
15 Scull Crushers IC
To parking lot:  X 2 Suicides 

Pull: x 2 Sets
Around 10 Pullups 
15 Australian Rows OYO
15 Curls for Girls IC
LBH Sprint x 2, back to playground

Legs: x 2 sets
Block straight leg deadlifts x 10 IC
Squats x 30 OYO

Mary:  To Parking Lot
LBC’s x 20 IC
Oblique Crunch LT + RT x 10 IC
Arm Haulers x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 20 IC
American Hammers about 1 minute to 6:15

Let us not become weary in doing good, for the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up
Galatians: 6:9

Crabby Patty was impressed with my lack of creativity in todays workout, you’re welcome.  I was impressed with Mater’s creativity in stalling techniques and complaining, the funny thing is he is the hardest worker in the bunch, just keeping me on my toes! We have a few nagging injuries in the bunch, I hope they all heal up quickly. 

Thank you all for allowing me to lead, I hope you got a little stronger today.
