SVU Hodgepodge

Event Date

May 04, 2017


Fantastic morning at SVU for improving yourself.  Tired muscles and wet holes….. Show to know.  As usual, lots of mumble chatter and laughs.  Possibly a first for Q-twins for Thursday leadership.  Note to Mulligan, there is a dress code for Thursday Q’s now. 11 counting Spokes who represents the PAX FNG-1.

Warm up:

25 SSH

15 Merkins

20 Squats

15 Mountain Climbers

(Run to playground for everyone to get a block)


Set A:

Round 1:

Plank while sliding block w/ each hand back-forth


More planking

LBC w/ legs straight out at 45 degrees (more or less?)


Round 2:

Run with Block overhead up LBH – Partner up at top

Shoulder Push partner down Ashe Hollow – switch & repeat

Pull partner down Ashe Hollow – switch & repeat

Back-to-back – partner push down Ashe Hollow – switch & repeat

Ashe Hollow Sprint – repeat back

Over head carry block back to 1st Playgroud


Round 3:

Squat Press with Blocks

Block Curls

Inch Worms

Tire Swing Wheelbarrow Circles


Round 4: (Back Playground)

5 Pull-ups

Dr. W’s



Repeat-o Rounds +1 pull-up every round

Group got to 10 pull-ups, then switched to Australian Rows for 11 ct round


Reflection: “The Holy Spirit is an advantage”

John 16:7 “Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you.  But if I go, I will send him to you.”  

This is Christ referring to the Holy Spirit, the Helper.  Sometimes we don’t give enough focus to the Holy Spirit.  This is a reminder that Jesus said that He is not enough, and that it is to our advantage for Jesus to have gone away and for the Holy Spirit to come to be with us.


Mole Skin:

  • Lively PAX this morning with lots of mumble chatter.

  • Mulligan – hope your feeling better.  You were missed this am

  • Zingers were flying, most of which can’t be repeated in print  

  • Dandelion gets bonus points for his workout attire #sharpedressedman

  • Forgot how much fun Partner push-pulls are

  • Clarification: there is not a stop-light on Ashe Hollow

  • Tire swing + Inchworm = tired shoulders

  • Metro is a pull-up machine – great work

  • By Round 4, the zingers really got started  

  • Cheetah delivers spontaneous reflection – a #HIM is always ready

  • Fun morning, thanks for the opportunity to Q


Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb