6 men (2 Runners & 4 Murphers) arrived at SVU for the Last Monday Murph.The Murph1-mile run100 Pull-ups (20 sets of 5)200 Merkin (20 sets of 10)300 Squats (20 sets of 15)1-mile runREFLECTIONCarry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.Galatians 6:2 NIVhttps://bible.com/bible/111/gal.6.2.NIVReach out to guys who are struggling, you can be the difference in their lives.MOLESKINE-Yes, after the solo last week I thought I could get away with the normal SVU 0532 start time.-We set the timer but didn’t take the rest, 20 sets non-stop. GREAT EFFORT!