SVU Summer 2022 Pool Workout v 1.0

Event Date

Jun 25, 2022


7 men showed up for SVU pool day!

FNG-1 is Click Bait


On the pool deck


10 x Toy soldiers

10 x Mericans

10 x Windmills

10 X Grandma Maters

The Thang

Hop in the pool in pairs for four different lane stations:

  1. Swim underwater with ab wheel pushing along bottom.  When you need to come up for air partner takes over.
  2. Partner swims as far underwater as possible while other does SSH and when come up for air do one burpee.  Partner swims lap. 
  3. Swim underwater with 10lb dumbbell weights.  When you need to come up for air partner takes over. 
  4. Swim a lap any stroke while partner does flutter kicks on side of pool.

Asked Dr. Dolittle if he preferred the volleyball intermission challenge or bear crawl challenge.  He chose volleyball….

Mosey to volleyball court, willy worms length of court and then back via army low crawl.  Pretty sandy at this point so mosey to docks and jump in lake to wash off and return to pool

Stations repeato.

Next challenge is bear crawl..  split into two groups and bear crawl around half of pool stopping at each depth marker and doing that amount of hand release mericans.

Stations repeato.

A few minutes at the end so the fun challenge was tug of war with a pool noodle vs your partner.  Championship round was Strudel vs Tinkle and Tinke emerged the victor!


Luke 2:41-52

Then, after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. And all who heard Him were amazed at His understanding and His answers. When they saw Him, they were astonished; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You treated us this way? Behold, Your father and I have been anxiously looking for You.” “

As parents we can sometimes worry about what our kids should or should not be doing.  God has a plan and even though we need to be engaged its important to remember He is steering them and it may not be the path nor timing we think it should be. 


-Great work by Click Bait. Dr. Dolittle, Cheetah and Tinkle for knocking out the tri beforehand.

-Tinkle was in all his glory after winning the tug of war challenge and was glad he got to do the pool workout.  Will be a return visitor for sure!

-Tonka seemed in his element today and crushed the stations. 

-Strudel was a fish in the water and even went into the lake and came back out!

-Cheetah found some loaner kids goggles and was rockin it!

-Click bait muscled through despite nursing a shoulder from a recent collision. 

-Dr. Dolittle had the most impressive bike ride portion I have seen grinding it out on two flat tires down burton like a stud.  Hope the put-put tourney went well!


Fair Winds and Following Seas
