SVU Thursday Fun

Event Date

Oct 06, 2016


8 posted to perfect weather at SVU today.  

Warm up:

12 (IC) SSH

10 (IC) Mountain Climbers

Arm circles and self love to warm up those shoulders.  Wrist and hand flexes to stretch out our forearms.

Divide into 2 groups of 4.

Pull-ups with towels

       Group 1 – Hill Run and Burpees until Grp 2 returns

       Group 2 – Back to playground for Pull-ups, but holding end of a towel looped over the bar.  #GripStrength

        Repeat-o to total 100 group pull-ups  

Pinch Grip Cinder Block Pass

         Circle up, every other man pinch grips a block from the top, lifts and passes to person beside him.

Merkin Hill Runs

         Group 1 – Hill Run

         Group 2 – Merkins

           Repeat-o to total 200 group Merkins

Squat Steps and Peter Parker

         Group 1 – Peter Parker

         Group 2 – Squat Step the parking lot

           Repeat-o to total 300 group Squat Steps – not completed  Poor time management by Q results in disappointed PAX.


2 MoM:

    Combo: LBC – Box Cutter – LBC


Reflection: Contentment   1 Timothy 6:6-9

“But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world.  But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.  But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.”


Mole Skin:

  • 8 strong and perfect weather

  • Obstacle or Adventure Racing requires good grip strength, we worked on that today.  

  • Pull-ups holding a vertical towel is not as easy as it sounds.  

  • Clark accuses Q of stealing towels from a hotel, just to be clear, it was a gym, not a hotel (and a long, long time ago in another life).

  • Group 1 picks Big Hill Run over Burpees  

  • More Merkins

  • PAX misses workout’s Murph undertones.

  • T-claps to Cheetah for running the ruck home

  • With split groups, missed half the mumble chatter – sound off below with what you heard.

  • Fun time with this Q.  Thanks for the opportunity.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb