SVU’s 6-year Mix Tape

Mix Tape

26.2 men appeared from the gloom (including 1 FNG, Despacito) for SVU's 6-year anniversary.  Little bit of reminiscing.  Little bit learnin'.  Lots of suicides, apparently.  Lots of celebrating.  Here's how it went down.

Warm Up
***The first 3 exercises of F3 Denver EVER; Bama was the Q, AO was Rock Springs Elementary.  Apparently Chris Comfort, former SailView resident and Crude knew each other and started rustling bushes and sending emails to gather up the first crew.  I was emailed by Scott Beierwaltes (another former SailView resident).  Crude came down with a horrible flu and had Bama take his place for the inaugural F3DenverNC BEATdown.
– 20x SSH
– 10x Merkins
– 10x Mountain Climbers
– 10x side-to-side lunges
*** homage to Moses 3/9/2013 workout, 10x every 5 minutes, 240 side lunges, ugh…that is where we also learned that Saturday workouts were an hour…we were just doing 45 minutes until then.
– 10x dippy birds each side
– Chumbawamba burpees(burpee every "I get knocked down", SSH for rest of song)
*** love whenever anyone brings in music, but I didn't want to do "Green Sally Up"(!)
*** stopped about half-way through, lots of memories to visit

Biggest Meat Grinder ever at SVU (3 or 4 at each station)
– 20 Step Ups (timer)
– Tricep Dips
***From my 1st BB  March 8, 2013  Great Words of wisdom from BigEasy:  Don't cropdust yourself.

 Apparently, he has some poorly timed and poorly aimed flatulence right before he did his dips.
– Down Unders
– Derkins
– plank
– Zig-zag-zigs
– block squat thrusters
– calf raisers
*** dang it, this was supposed to be Hot Foot for Big Easy
– Pull ups
– block trifectas

Bring Blocks and….whelp my dang phone started up Chumbawamba again.
*** some pax laughed and started back into the SSH and burpees
*** other pax grumbled and then joined in
*** good times

Head up to the Grassy Knoll
*** Led Zeppelin's Immigrant Song "Hammer of the gods"
partner up
A does block hammer swings across body 5x each side + block squats
B does suicides
repeat-o until song is over
*** homage to Atlantis's killer Zeppelin workouts June 13, 2015
*** I'll ask him to Repeato the whole workout this spring.
*** Skipper reminded me that the Zep workout was his first workout…Tough one for sure.

Head over to The Front Lawn for a Block Island Par-tay
*** Homage to one of Skipper's creations…you should try a whole workout of this stuff…
*** Monkey Humpers whenever a car approaches because…well, just 'cause
*** Creepy eye contact optional
3 to a group
– A does Block Island excursion
– B does suicides
– C does push ups, squats, LBC
– B&C rotate until A returns
– Keep going until all take a jaunt around Block Island
*** CropDuster runs by at some point mid training run.  I counted him as 0.2 pax, bringing our total to 26.2, in honor of all the runners in our group.

8×8 merkin T-planks

Mosey back to the AO for one more
groups of 4:
A does a suicide (and is the timer)
B does Colt 15's *** homage to Shredder's ruthless Colt 45 beatdown #gottashowtoknow
C does plank
D does…umm…BURPEES!! (thank you Metro!!)
rotate through

Fast guys –> blocks back
Others –> plank

15x LBC
10x Freddy Mercury's
10x Dr W's (probably LightBulb's most famous creation)

1 Corinthians 13: 13
13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
– What is F3?  
– yes, fitness, we've all lost weight, strengthen things, run farther and faster
– yes, fellowship, numerous coffees and beers shared, taking care of one another or others in the community
– yes, faith, new Brothers in Christ, many working on their story
– If there is one word I've seen since SVU and Mustang started, it is Love.  Thought this verse was a good reminder of God's proclamation that the greatest of all is love.  
– The week F3 started in Denver, I was let go with about 30% of our management team to prep for an IPO.  It was heart breaking.  F3 came along and gave me a mission.  BigEasy and I were fortunate enough to get an email and do something about it.  And God's been working on men all around Denver since then.  
– Thank you for getting the email or hearing from a buddy and doing something about it.
– Love you guys.

*** Didn't have time (or space) for 2 rounds of The Murph. I'll never forget BigEasy and I doing our first Murph.  Yes, pax of 2.  No idea how we would get 'er done.  But we broke it down into manageable bites and kept track using mulch stacks.  Around 3/4 of the way through, I'll never forget us both realizing we were actually going to get it done.  Amazing memories.
*** Can't believe I forgot to layer in bear crawl / crawl bears.  The packed parking lot through off my Parking Lot fun plan.

*** Welcome aboard Despacito – was great meeting you today, hope to see you again soon.  Pretty cool 1st workout.  : )
*** I appreciate the concern many brothers had for me.  Suggestions of putting me on suicide watch cracked me up…took a couple times for me to understand what they meant.  haha
*** Too many memories to share all of them.
*** Thank you to EVERYONE!  You've all contributed as Q or as pax along the way.  
*** It's been a great start.  Keep on keepin' on

As always, a tremendous honor to lead the motley crew