Swamp Ass at Hollywood

10 Men of F3 ran into Swamp Ass at Birkdale.

Warmorama at movie parking lot

Run over the bridge to Rubbermaid


Curls, shoulder press, skull crushers, bent over row, chest press.

Add alternating front lunge, side lung and reverse lunge after rock sets.  Repeato all.

Anchored ladder 20LBCs each time, bottom jump squats 2-4-6-8-10-12 reps

Mosey to bridge for Merican time bomb 6 count

Back over bridge to parking lot for 10 SSH each island and loop it back

Mosey back to base


Me – Rosalita

Pass the buck to each pax for MARY.  Done !

Mole Skin

1 – Crazy humid leading to pax huffing and puffing early on

2 – Good to see pax out it really makes a difference in my day when I post

3 – Prayers for Smores always a stud. Struggling with major medical issue

4 – Prayers for our great country to stop being so divided and come together more for the good of our nation and move forward with positivity

Thanks to Soprano for calling me out !

Enjoy today !

Mayhem (in the AM)