Sweat Sixteens

Wilderness Backblast 3/28/19

11 PAX didn’t let the slight recession back into winter stop them from leaving the fartsack behind and putting in some good work.  As today kicks off the start of the Sweet Sixteen round for NCAA Basketball, YHC planned a “Sweat Sixteen” workout.  Despite the frigid temps we managed to break a sweat.

WARMORAMA:  Mosey down parking lot and back doing butt kickers, high knees, carioca and quadraphelia along the way (dodging pot holes and fellow PAX).  Circle up around The Tree.

All excercises x16 IC unless noted otherwise.
               SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, arm circles front/back OYO, carrot pullers, ‘Mericans x8 IC, Squats x8 IC.

THE THANG:  Mosey up to Queen’s Corner and await further instruction.

               Sweat Sixteens: Start at Queen’s corner with 14 ‘Mericans OYO.  Run to the top of the hill for 2 WWII Situps, run back to start.  Repeato dropping 2 ‘Mericans and adding 2 WWII’s each time until finish with 2 ‘Mericans and 14 WWIIs.  Once finished, circle back to the 6 and finish up with them.

               Once all PAX had battled through the Sweat Sixteen round, we headed over to the rock pile for the round of Elite Eight-Count Burners.  (Squat to curl to shoulder press to skull crush and back down through an 8 count) x8 IC.  The relief was plain when the PAX found out we were not going to 16!

               Once we made it through our round of 8 Elite Eight-Count Burners, we proceeded to the Final Forearm Plank (a.k.a. elbow plank).  4 sets total, each getting longer.  15 sec., 30 sec., 45 sec., and 1 min.  15 sec. break in between each.

               Finally after making it through the Final Forearm Plank, we made it to the Championship round.  No clever alliteration here, only burpees.  Just 2 of them…however we certainly can’t do them here, we need to do them at the top of the hill/traffic circle (a.k.a parking island, a.k.a parking circle, a.k.a traffic island). 

               Once it was clear we were all champions, we returned the rocks and lined up single file for Bataan Death March back to the parking lot (Indian run with last PAX dropping for 3 ‘Mericans before sprinting to front).


               Mary was short and simple today:
               LBC’s w/ one leg extended x16 IC
               Low Flutter x16 IC
               LBC’s w/ one leg extended x16 IC
               Low Flutter x16 IC
               Recover Recover.


               YHC was grateful for the hard working PAX who didn’t let the frigid temps keep them in their fartsacks this morning.  Also thanks to Toxic for a brief Q-School lesson on proper exercise calling lingo.  No doubt my linguistic errors on prior Q’s have cost PAX terrible confusion and stress, thanks for righting the ship!

Announcements were about Operation Sweet Tooth 8k this Saturday, Jungle Bear and some open Q slots.  No formal prayer requests but we asked for recovery for any PAX with injuries and support for OST this weekend.