Sweatfest at Arnies

Enjoyed my sophomore Q .  Appreciate the support from the GB's and some of the Arnies regulars.  Thanks again to Lego for getting me into F3 and several others for motivation and push to keep me coming back !  Love working out at Arnies, so much to do…monkey bars, pull-up bars, blocks, the famous bridge and a nice little parking lot loop for fun runs.  Hope I made our boy Auto proud today !


Warm Up

Run Parking lot circle


Imperial Storm Trooper

20 merkins

Toy soldier



Partner Up

30 sit-ups with partner plank

Flap jack

Everyone grab a Block – overhead carry to monkey bars

Partner 1 OCR – monkey bars, parallel bars, 10 pull-ups, 15 overhead press

Partner 2 – cinder block squats until partner 1 complete

Flap jack


10 count

Repeat OCR

Overhead carry block back to parking lot

20 sit-ups with partner plank

Flap jack


Mosey towards bridge (stop at intersection)

20 merkins

Mosey to bridge

10 over & backs

People's chair 1 minute

10 over & backs

Mosey towards parking lot (stop at intersection)

20 merkins

Mosey back to parking lot


Around the world upper body block work (my memory is fading…think this is right)

Curls (DonHo), skull crusher (Big M), Lawnmowers (Gypsy), Shoulder Press (Lego), Chest Press (Tagless)

Overhead carry blocks back to their home


In honor of Auto…bear crawl across the parking lot, crab walk back…some modified to lunge walk, including YHC



Around the group – no DonHo "hold it" today. Some Valentines Day practice, sit-ups, burpees, and a crazy snow angel that YHC wasn't good at.


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