Sweatfest in October in Davidson

Event Date

Oct 03, 2019

Warm Up – Imperial Walker, Toy Soldiers, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, stretchy stretch.  

Mosey to DUMC and grab bricks

 Mosey to top of hill in neighborhood –

 20 Man Maker Merkins, Mosey to bottom of hill 30 squats,

Mosey to the top 20 Man Maker Merkins + 30 bend over flys w/ bricks

Mosey to bottom of hill – 30 squats + 20 WWII sit ups

Moseyto top 20 Man Maker Merkins, 30 flys, 30 front lifts with bricks

Mosey back to the church put up bricks and grab paver – 30 curls, 30 overhead presses, 30 prone skull crushers, 30 bench presses

Mosey to steps of church – ankle raises 30 front, 30 toes pointed in, 30 toes pointed out,

At back entrace to DUMC – BLMF's to a 15 straight count, 40 LBC's, 30 Mason Twists

 Mosey back to pavers – 20 curls, 20 vertical skull crushers

Moseyback to the Green – dips, incline pushups, 40 Freddy Mercury's, 40 low flutters, 40 Heels to Heaven, 40 W's, 30 JLo's – recover recover.


Cookie brought a crockpot full of Elk chilli – it was really good – would have been even better if the weather felt like October vs. August in Singapore.  Sorry for all who I missed in the names above!  
